Really Retro: new album “Sample and Hold”

Now, here’s something really outdated and retro: a new CD release. The album (wow, when was the last time you talked about an „album“?) is called „Sample and Hold“.

So I am quite happy about this one. It contains my musical efforts of the last two years. Well, to be honest, one of the pieces is a lot older: „Closed Connection“ is from an album I did together with Oliver Rehbinder and Stefan Rehbinder in, wait, 1993. Oh, hum, we begun composing this album (a concept work called „The Ring“) as early as 1980. So, thanks to Oliver and Stefan for your permission to release this remake here!

Sample and Hold is quite an electronic album and it is full of experiments, which made it very exciting for me. Here are the tracks (well known to those who check my new tracks here regularly):

  1. BlueSequence
  2. Blackbird
  3. Singularity
  4. Emotion
  5. Staircase
  6. Berlin
  7. Closed Connection

Visit the corresponding Jamendo page:

Andreas Krebs - Sample and Hold
