This is a longer piece, dominated by a drone and some percussive voices. As usual, things tend to take some time, the first 5 minutes or so just sound like ambient noise before anything „musical“ (whatever this means) happens. But that’s what evolution does: start from a kind of wasteland and turn everything into the unexpected.
Track length: 19:29.
Technical details:
1) The drone: four VCOs (two triangle and two square waves are used) from an A-143-4 Quad VCLFO/VCO are combined with an A-172 Max/Min. From here on, we have a stereo voice by means of the „max“ and „min“ outputs of the A-172. For further sound processing, an A-188-1Y (for the left channel) and an A-188-1-B (right channel) were used before we go into two A-108 Filters (48 dB outputs) and A-131 VCAs (one filter/amp for each stereo channel). Modulation: each VCO of the A-143-4 is odulated by an LFO from an A-143-3 Quad LFO. Common frequency is modulated by an A-140 ADSR as well as by an A-146 LFO.
2) Tonal percussive voices: two nearly identical voices. A-110 VCO (pulse wave) -> A-132-3 VCA -> A-188-1X BBD (2nd voice: A-188-A BBD) -> A-108 VCF (24 dB out) -> A-101-3 Modular Vactrol Phaser (each voice uses 6 stages of one common phaser module). Both VCOs are modulated by A-147 LFOs (pulse width) and by some A-117 Digital Noise (frequency modulation). Frequencies of all VCOs and BBDs are modulated by random voltages from an A-149-1 Random Generator sent through two A-156 Quantizers. The VCAs were modulated by two A-142 VC Decays, triggered by an A-149-2 Digital Random Voltages Generator.
3) Percussion („Bassdrum“): A-117 Digital Noise -> A-106-6 XP VCF (4 pole LP filter out used) -> A-132-4 Quad VCA -> A-132-3 VCA. An A-140 ADSR modulates the filter, an A-142-4 Quad Decay modulates the VCA. The trigger for both envelopes is derived from an A-149-2 Digital Random Generator, combined with triggers from an A-155/A-154 Sequencer. Triggers were combined via A-166 Logic module („OR“-Output used).
4) Percussion: A-117 Digital Noise -> A-124 Wasp VCF (BP out used) -> A-132-4 Quad VCA -> A-132-3 VCA. The filter is modulated by an A-143-1 LFO, the VCA by an A-142-4 Quad Decay.
5) Percussion: A-117 Digital Noise -> A-188-2 Tapped BBD -> A-132-4 Quad VCA -> A-132-3 VCA. The BBD is modulated by an A-140 ADSR and an A-149-1 Random Generator (both voltages were attenuated), the VCA by an A-142-4 Quad Decay.
6) Percussion: A-117 Digital Noise, A-143-1 Complex Envelope (1 LFO used), A-143-9 VC Quadrature LFO -> A-172 („max“ and „min“ outputs used ) -> A-134-1 Pan (used as crossfader between „max“ and „min“) -> A-132-4 Quad VCA -> A-132-3 VCA. The panner is modulated by a sine wave from an A-143-9 Quadrature LFO, the VCA by an A-142-4 Quad Decay.
The master clock is synced with the DAW and sent through an A-113 Subharmonic Generator to do some quick clock dividing.
Have fun,